You know how on the prior Wags post I said that basically CVS sucked this week?  Well, it still does, but now I have a situation where I have to burn a bunch of ecbs this week.  I’d planned to use them on the elusive electric toothbrushes, but I’m not so sure now they’ll come in during my lifetime.  Sooooo, a possible scenario for those of you who need to roll over some ecbs:  Revlon spend $3.99 get back 3 ecbs.  Use $1/1 from 9/12 S and basically it’s a wash (except for the damned taxes).  If you were lucky enough to get the $7 off when you spend $15 on Revlon from the magic coupon machine, use it and you’ve got a MM here!  I, on the other hand, have been getting really crappy coupons lately (store brand candy discount, junky jewelry deals) – I just assume the machine hates me.

To recap:  Wags = good (this week); CVS  = bad (this week, unless you need those rollin’ ecbs).

Posted in CVS

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