ThinkGeek has Next Gen Family Car Decals!

Bring your automobile into the 24th century with this pack of Star Trek: The Next Generation Family Car Decals. It has all the main characters, plus some personal favorites. There’s even a Borg Queen to display with or without her body.   If your order is $50+, use promo code PEWPEWPEW and you’ll get at least 20% off (higher amounts for larger orders).

Characters include:

  • Tall characters (4 3/4″ tall): Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Data, Geordi La Forge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Reginald Barclay, Guinan, Miles O’Brien, Alyssa Ogawa, Borg (male), Borg (female), Q, Lursa & B’Etor (one sticker), Sela, Gul Madred, Gowron
  • Short characters (3 3/4″ tall): Young Jean-Luc Picard, Young William Riker, Young Data, Young Geordi La Forge, Young Tasha Yar, Alexander Rozhenko, Wesley Crusher, Borg (male), Borg (female)
  • Other: Livingston (1″ tall), Spot (1 1/2″), Borg Queen Head (3 1/4″) + Borg Queen Body (3 1/2″), ST:TNG logo