ALL Entertainment books 35% off with FREE shipping – 2 days only

All 2013 Entertainment books are now 35% off with free shipping today and tomorrow only. That’s $22.75 for a $35 book Lots of BOGO coupons for fast food grabs, too.  Expiration dates are the end of November, 2013.

50% off all 2013 Entertainment books & free shipping

2013 Entertainment Books : Hundreds of Dining Offers 50% Off + FREE shipping;  prices for various editions range from $25 to $50.  I saw this book at the Walgreens register yesterday for full price!

2013 Entertainment Books $19.99 shipped

I know many of you swear by these books, so thought I’d offer their Presidents’ Week Sale:  2013 Entertainment Books are now $19.99 with FREE SHIPPING I think list is $35, although you can find them cheaper – if you want to wait until later in the year!  Me?  I’d rather pay a couple of bucks more upfront to save more $$ in the near future.  Didn’t these have grocery store coupons in them (the XX off $$ type)?