Battle-scarred warriers return home

and don’t kid yourselves – there’s a war going on in the malls today!

Picked up my Kohl’s gift card at Jewel as planned, then drove over to get the razor.  Holy crap!  Had to park in a whole other parking lot and walk over.  People were circling around and around, looking for a closer spot…please, people, just park and walk over.  It’s not like the exercise is gonna kill you.  After finally deciding which razor to buy, realized I needed something to push me over the $50 mark for the Kohl’s Kash.  Picked up a pair of jeans for the PITA in the 80% clearance section.  The funny part is that she tried on these same jeans a few months ago, but they were only 60% off, so we put them back.  Got in line to pay at the lower level registers ’cause the upper ones had lines circling the room.  At least in the lower level I was in and out in only 20 minutes – insert sarcasm here, please…

Stopped at PetSmart to use those wonderful $5 coupons.  Ended up with 60 cans of the Pedigree .34 clearance food for……..  .30!

Next was the fourth circle of hell formerly known as Carsons.  Parked all the way over near the tour buses – not a good sign, either that I parked there or that someone considers a mall a destination bus trip.  shudder Well, I had about 11 of those $10 coupons, so thought I could at least get something – not.  Place was completely packed, you were unable to use the coupons on the door buster deals (and almost everything in the store was marked that way) and the tights and leggings I wanted had no prices on them or the display.  One sales clerk said they had no in-store price scanner, while a customer directed me to one.  Good training, there, Carsons.  Well, the tights were $18 and the leggings were $30.  I shit you not.  Put them down and walked over to Auntie Anne’s and got the free pretzel for the PITA (from that Freezooka a few weeks ago).  Then dropped off “stuff” to the West Suburban Humane Society in DG (stuff is what was placed in the PITA’s donation box at her school.  This is the second trip in a couple of weeks with her donations.

Posted in Kohls

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