Hit the newest Wheaton Wags for my beloved Sinex cashinthebank deal. Using four mfr coupons and the $3 store coupon on each transaction brought my OOP down to $1.30 (high tax); I received the $10 RR.
Spent a total of $7.80 and got back $60. DH said “What’s wrong with you? Why are you buying so much?” Showed a receipt and RR; that shut his pie hole…
$3 store coupon? how did I miss that?
Four Wags celebrated grand openings by having a $3/$10 store coupon on the overlay of their local ads; coupon runs through the 22nd. The closest one to me is the Wheaton Wags on Naper Blvd, just north of Butterfield. Besides that fantastic coupon, both the mgr and asst mgr are extremely coupon-friendly and are trying their damnedest to order supplies based on sales/coupons. Now if the warehouse will only cooperate…
I am so fucking sick of hearing my husband say that. Talk about fucking clueless, ungrateful-for-the-time-I-spend-but-gladly-used-at-work-all-the-tissue-paper-that-I-made-$375-for Christmas- asshole. I just told him today that he is just going to have to bring home more money because I quit couponing. I am tired of catching his shit and justifying high volume buys. My husband should trust my decisions, as should yours, but NO! At least your husband shut up after you showed him the deal. Mine just doesn’t get it. I explain “It’s like the stock market, only I know I will net a 100% or 300% increase”. He just gives me that look like I am nuts. Well now I am because guess what? Now my money-saving ‘addiction/OCD disorder’ is cured now that he’s been saddled with having to bring home more money. Do you have any deals on caffeine pills because that jackass is going to need a lot of them now that he has to work way more. Oh that’s right, forget it. I am done with couponing.
LOL, didn’t you stock up on the Celsius MM Wags deal last summer? Fat-burner, my ass, that shit’s pure caffeine. Great for that about-to-be a workaholic husband.
A piece of advice: once you start with extreme couponing, you can’t let go of the thrill of the deal, so buy the crap, hide it where he can’t see it and have a big stockpile sale come warmer weather…then use the proceeds to get a pool boy…
I love this website! Hilarious! 🙂 I really need to order some sinex Q’s. My DH doesn’t get couponing either but he loves that we are saving $$$…of course, he won’t go couponing but oh well..maybe he’ll evolve someday!
The store coupon didn’t work for me on the Sinex. It is applied after all MQs.
Shirley, one cashier attempted this nonsense, but I soon set her straight. The coupon reads after Wags coupons and discounts. Your mfr coupon is a form of cash. Please email at the contact tab and give me a description of the cashier. I’ve run this deal quite a few time since last week and I’ve always had the $3 coupon go first.