Apples and apple juice

I’m not a big juice drinker (I was gonna say juicer, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish), but an article in the USA Weekend magazine had an article on staying sharp, where it offered some tips for keeping your mind with your body.   First was good dental hygiene (!) since one study found that people who had periodontal disease before age 35 had 4 times the odds of getting dementia in later years.  OK, that’s not a problem… Second was, obviously, using the gray stuff, but their recommendation was not reading a book (although good), but doing on-line searches.  Google is now your BFF.  There were a bunch of other yadayadayadas there, but the one I like is drinking apple juice.  Seriously!  It promotes production of acetylcholine, which is the “memory chemical” in the Alzheimer drug Aricept.  They recommend 16 oz total a day or 2 to 3 apples.  We like apples to snack on and if I would just cut them up and put them in a bowl every one here would eat them up.  Trouble is, I keep forgetting…..YIKES!  must start cutting.  bye.

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