This FirstJob site is aimed at college students and recent grads looking for an entry level job or internship. Yeah. I got me one of those. Maybe you do too? Maybe if they find a job they’d move out… or at least start paying rent!
This FirstJob site is aimed at college students and recent grads looking for an entry level job or internship. Yeah. I got me one of those. Maybe you do too? Maybe if they find a job they’d move out… or at least start paying rent!
I like the RENT idea!!! My 22 year old moved back home in December… I had a mortgage, a full time job, a husband, and a child at 22. She IS a full time student and works 4-5 days a week, but aside from those two things I am not positive she is capable of moving her muscles, especially without electronics attached!!! Did we really breed them this lazy and dependent!?!?! What the ???